Success storie: Professional

Foundation Enzian, Zurich

Perfect planning despite no empirical data

Since the foundation had not operated a laundry before, it had no data on laundry volumes or kilos. Having tasked Schulthess with provision of the machines, the foundation called upon the laundry experts to calculate the required size of the new in-house laundry; a calculation that involved incorporating Schultess’ own empirical and benchmark data. The result was that the foundation now has a machine park that perfectly caters to its requirements.

Fully automatic dosing system saves work processes

The Foundation Enzian needed simple and clear work processes, so Schulthess installed a fully automatic detergent dosing system together with its partner company Steinfels Swiss AG.

All-round Schulthess service 

Year established

Of special interest



Lbs. (kg) laundry/year

Receiving care